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Diagnostic procedure

Patients often ask – is echocardiography and ultrasound of the heart – the same or not?

Echocardiography is called ultrasound of the heart because it is based on ultrasound examination of the heart, but it also includes elements of electrocardiography.

During the examination, ultrasound and ECG are simultaneously performed, which significantly increases the informative value. The method is based on the ability of the body tissues to reflect ultrasound and return it back to the sensor.

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Echocardiography of the heart has many advantages:

Painless and non-invasive. The procedure is carried out as an ordinary ultrasound, but with the addition of several electrodes to the body. This is completely painless. No injections are performed before the procedure. The only discomfort that a patient can experience is a slight cold from the gel and the sensor. Any pain during echocardiography is not associated with exposure to ultrasound.

Safety. The procedure is safe for patients of all ages. It has practically no contraindications. Echocardiography can be carried out for the elderly, children, pregnant women. Ultrasound does not have side effects and does not affect the fetus.

Availability of the procedure. The procedure can be carried out in any medical center, private or municipal. If there is a referral from a doctor, the procedure is free. Equipment for echocardiography is available in virtually any city.

Small price. Compared with MRI, the price of echocardiography is small. The price of the ECG is somewhat lower, but the procedure itself is less informative. The cost varies depending on the medical institution. High informativity. The procedure of echocardiography is highly informative. With the help of ultrasound, you can evaluate not only heart rate and heart rate but also the size of the heart, the operation of blood vessels, the presence of cysts and tumors.

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Indications and contraindications

Carrying out the procedure of echocardiography can be as prescribed by the doctor, and for prevention. It is recommended that everyone who has symptoms of heart disease, suspected cardiovascular disease, and for preventive examination of existing chronic diseases should be examined. Appointment for examination: Dysfunction of the heart.

If the patient often experiences attacks of tachycardia or angina pectoris, the palpitation becomes much more frequent or slows down, all this is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the field of a breast, inspection of the heart to pass, or take place it is necessary. Usually, first an ECG, and then an ultrasound is used.

Dyspnea. In a healthy body, shortness of breath may occur after physical exertion and cardio. But frequent or constant shortness of breath even in a calm state requires a mandatory examination. Most often it indicates a violation of the heart muscle.

Edema. The appearance of edema indicates fluid retention in the tissues of the body. This may be a sign of both impaired renal function and cardiovascular disease. In this case, a comprehensive examination of the body is prescribed.

Hypertension. People with high blood pressure are at risk for heart disease. Constant elevated blood pressure significantly increases the burden on the heart and blood vessels. For this reason, hypertensive patients are recommended to have an annual heart examination.

Pain in the chest. Pain in the chest can occur only in a certain position, with walking, or in a calm state. In any case, it is considered an anxiety symptom that needs to be examined. Echocardiography is also prescribed for frequent headaches. Very often, this procedure athletes whose hobbies are associated with extreme. These kinds of sports increase the burden on the heart, and they can be dealt with only after a preventive examination.

The procedure has practically no contraindications. Both ECG and ultrasound are performed by everyone without exception. Only thoracic injuries, deformities, and skin inflammation can interfere with the procedure. In this case, the survey will be difficult. In some cases, the procedure prevents excess weight. Then the procedure of EchoCG is replaced by MRI.
